Thursday, May 11, 2017

Ben Cameron Niv Hydroponic Data Check in #2

We tested our water for Nitrate, phosphate, and PH level. Here are our results:
Nitrate: 20ppm
Phosphate: 2ppm
PH: 7
Temperature: (Did not collect)

We set up our light to go on every 2 hours and turn off every 2 hours!

In our most recent check on our plants, they have almost all died due to lack of water.

Here is the link to our Instagram page so you can see our pictures and keep up to date with our project:

Our bucket is a very basic, small ecosystem. It is an ecosystem because it has biotic and abiotic factors. The reason it is very basic is because it only has one trophic level. A more sophisticated ecosystem would have multiple trophic levels.


  1. Nice work guys. I like how in depth and caring you are about your plants; it really shows how important this work is for you. I also find it really interesting how you made an instagram page for your plants: another cool way of showing your interest in this project. Although your project looks really cool and unique, I was wondering why you didn't have more than just one trophic level. Thanks!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think your project could be better if you put more plants in. 6/10 at best. Other than that, good job. Your instagram idea was innovative

  4. I like that you put in why your plants died, and I'm also really sad that they did. I'm curious if you are changing the water cycle or just adding more water to the system. Also, are you doing anything to prevent water from escaping due to transpiration. Try periodically adding water, see how that goes. Nice work!

  5. Keep up the hard work! Try being more consistent with the amounts of water and nutrients that you're giving your plants.
