Friday, May 12, 2017

Adam, Aya, Jake and Kiera Day 1-2

DAY 1: Our plant is dead today, may Timmy rests in Peace. We realized it didn't get enough water and nutrients. We planted the new plants right next to the water source and added more nitrate nutrient.

DAY 2: Today we checked on our new plants that we replanted cause last time they dies. It seemed a little bit dry in the bucket, they seem to not have grown, but the they are was still alive and going strong.


  1. Great job being resilient and trying again. It's a good thing that you learned from your mistake of lacking in nutrients, but try adding more water as well.

  2. Based off the picture and data it seems like your lacking water. I recommend adding more water and moving the blue distributer so it spread's the water better.

  3. Check on you pump. How did it fail? Was it the way it was placed? Also, could it be that your plant isn't dying of lack of water but instead, being burnt of too direct sunlight?

  4. I'm glad you guys tried again and didn't give up. I would also recommend adding water since your mint looks dry. Good work!

  5. Good job on not giving up and trying to fix the problem with your new plants. If they aren't growing, would suggest adding way more water than you think it needs. You might also try adding more nutrients, and maybe planting more plants. Our bucket is going well, and we have one or two more plants than that, so maybe they are helping each other out.

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